Home > Lie to Me, Television Review > Lie to Me Season 2- Ep. 12

Lie to Me Season 2- Ep. 12

Sweet Sixteen

Boston Seven years ago is where the episode begins this week. Someone tries to execute a man in the backseat of a car but instead manages to kill  his wife and daughter by the man grabbing the gun to stop him. Now seven years later…with a car explosion outside of the Lightman Group building.  Loker was close enough to the blast that he got hit some.    After the explosion one of the assistants comes in and gives Cal a disk that was given to her for him right before the explosion.

Someone named Doyle is back and he just killed a man named Andrews and he’s coming for Lightman next.   We flash back again to seven years when Lightman and Foster meet for the first time when she’s working for the government in the pentagon to evaluate those that work with the pentagon.     Turns out that Lightman and Foster’s sessions were recorded back in the past but they don’t want to talk with Loker or Torres about the past and what happened.

Cal is worried about his daughter, about the danger that this man Doyle represents to her life and he will do what it takes to protect her.  Meanwhile Foster is keeping something a secret either that or she has suspicions about who is doing what they are doing.   It was revealed that seven years ago Lightman was somehow involved in what happened to Doyle’s family when they were shot and he blames all of those involved for what happened.   Doyle claims that he didn’t plant a bomb in Andrew’s car.

Cal and Doyle have a talk about who could have possibly done it and Doyle wants Cal to figure out who is responsible.  Cal agrees because he wants to help Doyle find those that killed his wife and daughter not because Doyle threatened to kill him, looks like its going to be an interesting episode and game of cat and mouse.  And Lightman left the office without his phone before we go back to seven years earlier again.

Turns out that Cal thought that Doyle had something planed to ruin the peace somehow and he told someone in the pentagon about his read which got someone else in the pentagon involved who no doubt decided it would be easier just to take Doyle out and they tried but instead it got the wife and daughter killed and the man Doyle is now on the run.  Cal feels guilty for doing this of course, he feels as if he is to blame for it despite the fact that he was just doing his job to help maintain the safety of America from terrorists.

Loker finds out about what is going on because he hacks into Foster’s system and she talks with Loker about what happened, about how LIghtman wanted to go public on a botched hit.   Andrews sent Lightman to see Foster because of this reason and Lightman didn’t reveal the truth which means that is why he is now seeking to do so.    Two men beat up Lightman after giving him the disks and he tries to see their faces, they tell him to bring them Doyle or he’s next.

Lightman brings Doyle back to the building which is a very strange move but I think I know what he’s trying to do to bring down those that are involved.  In the past Foster was keeping something from Lightman and he leaves quickly from their first meeting because the message she is giving him is loud and clear.    Cal has Foster ask Doyle about Andrews which comes to an interesting headway.   They go to the house of the lawyer and there is another bomb set up as they try to go in it goes off.  So it’s becoming more and more obvious that Doyle really did not kill Andrews.

Cal goes to the press conference boldly to find out who might be responsible for the bombs and things go crazy after Lightman bursts up saying that they were lying.  It’s a bold and really good move.   They turn the private interview around so that they can find out who was hiding things and the main man they are targeting is a man named Richard who was also working with Andrews.    They bring in a phone with Jimmy Doyle on it to say that he’s at Richard Prosser’s house with his wife.     They basically set the man Richard Prosser up so that he would reveal what really happened.   He was working with a man named Finch which is a code name who is the one that they were really looking for.

They set up a meeting with him and it turns out that Finch is in fact the very same cab driver that killed Doyle’s wife and daughter seven years earlier.    In the end it ends up being one of the best episodes of the season and shows how Lightman and Foster met for the first time to help close out things and open up new paths for the characters on the show.


“Apparently my job here depends on my meeting with you. So did they tell you all about me then? Did they also tell you why they sent me, so that you could officially, diagnose me as broken in the head?”  -Lightman to Foster upon first meeting her.

“Loker, you know, I’m sorry about what you just went through, but right now I need a moment with my daughter.  After that I’ll figure out how I’m going to use you guys on this, that’s how it works.  So end of conversation alright?”  “That was a conversation?”  -Cal and Loker.

“Do you have a friend that you can stay with for a day or two?”  “Can it be a boy?”  -Cal and Emily.

“You’re no innocent Lightman.”  “Not by any stretch of the imagination.”  -Doyle and Lightman


Cal worked in Counter-terrorism at one point for the pentagon seven years ago that’s how he met Foster.

-Cal was responsible with other men in the pentagon getting a man named Doyle’s family killed and this helped make Cal the kind of man he is now.

-Foster came to work for Cal after working in the pentagon.

Overall:  A+

A very good episode, probably one of the best of the show’s two year so far run.    The show is all about these characters who reveal the lies that people tell and we’re finally finding out more about the back stories of each of them.  Lightman has had a really involved life and it’s really cool that we’re exploring it more this season.   See you next week!

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