Home > TV News > Television News for 5/13/2011-The Heroes Edition

Television News for 5/13/2011-The Heroes Edition

Heroes Likely Canceled (rumors)

From over at Vulture (a part of NY Magazine) comes word that NBC has more than likely stuck a fork in Heroes saying that the show is done. Although it hasn’t officially come down the wire yet as even Tim Kring the creator of the show is not aware that it has been canceled which is not too surprising as the studio is probably still heavily debating with itself on what it is actually going to do or not going to do.   Heroes once boasted over 17 million viewers and this past season was down to just 5 million per episode.

The show has shown a considerable drop in not only viewers but quality per episode as well.   The first season was full of potential with a lot of great characters introduced who all had great powers and also a villain (Sylar) that was great as well.   Despite this the first season ended n a down note with the whole Hiro in ancient japan stuff and the second season picked up from their feeling directionless and without a point.   The roster of characters with super-powers continued to grow and get more bloated with each passing episode and we won’t even go into the horrible impression all of the mutants heroes story line.

The fourth season which just ended back in February was better with a real direction this time and not too many new characters introduced but at the same time it seemed a little dry and uninteresting.   You knew that certain people were going to make it out a live and when they said that they were going to kill off someone they did kill them off for all of ten minutes because he kept resurfacing anyways in Sylar.    The show has often been good but never great beside that first season and this is a shame because it had potential to be great.  My bet is that this rumor is right and Heroes is done…unless NBC does decide to give it closure with a mini-series.

Heroes is another one of those science fiction shows that tried to emulate Lost and is the most successful of the bunch having last four seasons as opposed to others that only went a season or less.

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